UP Legal - právní služby
Francouzská 299/98, Prague 10 - Vršovice
+420 777 737 747

Legal Services
that you
can afford


Are you facing an issue and you feel it would be better if a lawyer took care of it? Do you need to draft a purchase agreement or a donation contract, do you need to establish an easement or recover a debt, incorporate a company, file an insolvency petition, recover damages to person or property, amend documents to make them compliant with the New Czech Civil Code, draft a will or be assisted in criminal proceedings or proceedings on administrative infractions? We are sure that we will be able to help you.

About us

Thanks to our partner lawyers and other legal specialists, we can provide comprehensive legal services in all branches of private and public law. Our lawyers specialize in civil law, business law, criminal law, administrative law, public procurement law or insolvency law. Our clients include consumers, sole traders as well as large corporations.
Price of Legal Services
Mgr. Lukáš Hojdn, LL.B.
Mgr. Lukáš Hojdn, LL.B.
Mgr. Pavel Kosař
Mgr. Pavel Kosař
Mgr. František Hons
Mgr. František Hons
Mgr. Vojtěch Bienek
Mgr. Vojtěch Bienek
Jakub Štefek
Jakub Štefek
Jan Prošek
Jan Prošek
Mgr. Martin Židlický
Mgr. Martin Židlický
Mgr. Kateřina Řezníčková
Mgr. Kateřina Řezníčková


Our lawyers have gained experience in law firms and companies which they represented not only in business disputes. They have international experience, and thus have the requisite language skills and knowledge of international law.
TTC holding
Česká triatlonová asociace
Neony sign
Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze
Český Helsinský výbor
RUN magazine
BOM production
Město Jílové
Praha Kolovraty
Praha Vinoř
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